‘Blood’ from the Poppy 2

21 July – 04 September 2016

Essex Regiment Museum, Chelmsford Museum, Essex. UK


Nabil Ali 1

‘Blood’ from the Poppy’ is an art installation that commemorates people across the world who’s ancestors were affected by the destructive force of World War One. It exhibits a found object dated 1916 similar to those used in the fields of the ‘Battle of the Somme’, and has been made into conceptual art combined by poppy ink produced using a fourteenth century old German and Latin ink recipe.

This exhibition looks deeply into the journey of the object from the factories where it was manufactured, worker stamps and processes that tell the story of the production line and standards, with information on the artillery gun that finally fired it across into enemy territory. The hidden detail reveals a lost world that is captured through images and objects with echoes of a distant blood stained past.

Nabil Ali 2


Oaklands Park, Moulsham Street, Chelmsford, Essex. CM2 9AQ

Tel: 01245 605700

Opening Times: Mon–Sat 10-5pm / Sun 1–4pm



Creative Practitioner

Essex, United Kingdom


Last Poppy in Chelmsford Library

As we all plan our summer holidays and outings you may want to consider popping along to Chelmsford Library throughout August to see the Now the Last Poppy has Fallen touring exhibition.

In addition to this the Essex Record Office also have a First World War exhibition.

The library have  arranged for an afternoon of activity on Saturday 30 July, including for young computer whizzes a Sonic Pi workshop for 8 – 13 year olds creating a WW1 soundtrack for the Battle of the Somme film, and for family history enthusiasts there will be a WW1 family history helpdesk run by the East of London Family History Society.

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Songs and Poems on YouTube

You can now watch all our project songs and poems on the Essex County Council YouTube account.

Have you had a listen to any of songs? Our project band included the very talented singer/songwriter Georgia Strand, guitarist Vo Fletcher and violinist Ric Sanders from Fairport Convention.

Here’s Poppies in the Rain.

And the wonderful Essex poet, Luke Wright can be seen performing his poems at Colchester Arts Centre. Here’s Bank Holiday, August 1914.

Showcase gallery

Have a look at some of the photos from the evening Showcase on 23rd March 2016, taken by my colleague Hannah Salisbury of the Essex Record Office.

We were hugely impressed by the range and quality of performers on the night, plus speeches from Essex County Council’s Cllr John Spence and Heritage Lottery Fund’s Karen Brookfield.

Thank you to all involved.

A film documenting the evening will be available on YouTube very soon. Watch this space…

The Great War and Essex

Following on from our last blog about the forthcoming release on the book, Brentwood and The Great War, we also like to bring to our attention the following titles written by Stephen Wynn.

A retired Police officer who served with Essex Police for thirty years, Stephen’s first book, Two Sons in a War Zone: Afghanistan: The True Story of a Fathers Conflict, was published in 2010. It is his personal account of his sons’ first tours in Afghanistan. Both of his grandparents served in and survived the First World War.

Castle Point and The Great WarAvailable from http://www.pen-and-sword.co.uk/Castle-Point-in-the-Great-War-Paperback/p/6716








Grays and The Great WarAvailable from http://www.pen-and-sword.co.uk/Grays-Thurrock-In-the-Great-War-Paperback/p/6708